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Slough Business Directory



The purpose of the Five Year Plan is to do three things -

- To set out our vision

- To be clear about our priority outcomes

- To explain how we will do this

Plan to update the actions in the Outcome Plans and set

out how we will work with our partners and communities.

This year there has been a more in-depth review. We have

worked with the new Leader and Cabinet to define their

political priorities and revised the outcomes to reflect

these. The Leader has been clear about his priority to put

people first. We have reduced the number of outcomes

from eight to five, combining some where there was

overlap and duplication and removing others where they

were more about ways of working than tangible outcomes.

The Five Year Plan

was launched in 2015 to define the


s ambition; the opportunities and challenges we

face, the role of the Council in meeting these and the priority

outcomes against which resources will be allocated.

The introduction of the Five Year Plan was important in

providing clarity of vision and direction, explaining how

and why the council is changing and, given that we are

all working with the same population, identifying more

effective and efficient ways of working together.

The Five Year Plan is updated every year and we also produce

an Annual Report so that we can check progress. Last year,

2016, we carried out a light-touch refresh of the Five Year

Our ambition is for Slough to be:

A place where people choose to live and work and where children can grow up to achieve their full potential

One of the most attractive places to do business in the country, with excellent communications,

business accommodation and a skilled, and available workforce


s Five Year Plan


Our priority outcomes - putting people first


Our children and young people will have the best start in life and opportunities to give them positive lives


Our people will become healthier and will manage their own health, care and support needs


Slough will be an attractive place where people choose to live, work and visit


Our residents will have access to good quality homes


Slough will attract, retain and grow businesses and investment to provide jobs and opportunities for our residents

Making this happen - how we will do this


We will listen to and work with our communities, customers and partners


We will work towards being self-sufficient through innovation, income generation and maximizing

the value and effective use of our resources


We will use digital technology to provide smarter services for people and businesses


We will recruit, retain and develop high quality people who are committed to Slough and supported to do their job